Kevin Blackston
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America

Philosateleian Blog

San Francisco realtor seeks home for Rosback perforator

If you live in the San Francisco area, a local realtor is looking for a new home for a full-size Rosback pinhole perforator.

Kim Wiley of the San Francisco Real Estate Group tells me that she’s getting a house ready to go on the market, and the perforator pictured here needs to be moved out as quickly as possible.

Motorized Rosback pinhole perforator
Motorized Rosback pinhole perforator
Rosback perforator head
Rosback perforator head

The current owner is asking for $800 or best offer. That’s probably a little bit above average asking price for a Rosback, but it looks like it’s in really nice shape, too.

If you’re interested in this machine, you can contact Kim at (415) 519-5595. Please let her know that you read about it here.

Philosateleian Post sets new record, introduces new marking

Philosateleian Post set an all-time high for the number of outbound mail pieces carried last year. By the end of 2019, my little family dispatched 485 envelopes, postcards, and packages, which represented an increase of nearly 30% from 2018 and topped the old record of 417 pieces of mail set the year before that.

I attribute a large part of the increase in mail volume to me sending a number of acknowledgment cards in response to individuals who mailed sympathy notes following my mom’s death last spring. In any case, though, it was a very, very busy year for mail!

In other news, Philosateleian Post yesterday, January 6, began using a new handstamp reading “First-Class Mail International” on outgoing mail bound for destinations outside the United States.

Philosateleian Post First-Class Mail International handstamp on portion of envelope
First-Class Mail International marking

Prior to yesterday, I was using a handstamp reading “Via Air Mail / Par Avion,” but since there is not actually a specific airmail rate from the United States, the change in wording seemed appropriate.

2019 annual supplement available for The Philosateleian

Most users of The Philosateleian U.S. Stamp Album use the recommended quarterly update track, which requires printing updated album pages four times per year. This ensures that you have spaces for newly issued stamps within no more than three months of their date of issue.

For those who prefer to print once and be done with it, however, The Philosateleian does offer an annual update track, and I’m pleased to announce that The Philosateleian’s complete set of pages for 2019 is available as of this morning. The file is listed as the bottom of the individual stamp album pages webpage.

Once again, this is intended for those who print updated pages only once a year. If you print the quarterly supplements for The Philosateleian, you already have spaces for all of these stamps in your album, and you can ignore this update.

Boys Town uses bird cinderellas for third time in month

Boys Town managed to squeeze in one more fundraising mailing to finish up 2019. The thick envelope stuffed with a calendar, return address labels, and other “gifts” was waiting in my post office box today, but the most interesting part to me from a philatelic perspective was of course the business reply envelope that was included.

Boys Town business reply envelope bearing cinderella stamp depicting bluejay, cardinal, thrush, and bluebird
Boys Town business reply envelope with cinderella stamp depicting four birds

The cinderella stamp on the envelope includes four different roughly stamp-sized designs picturing a bluejay, a cardinal, a thrush, and a bluebird. The designs are separated by vertical lines, but are all printed on the same label.

Boys Town cinderella stamp picturing bluejay, cardinal, thrush, and bluebird
Boys Town cinderella stamp depicting four birds

If the designs look familiar, there’s a reason. The business reply envelopes in two separate Boys Town mailings that I received earlier this month bore individual labels featuring the same cardinal, bluebird, and thrush artwork by Washington state artist Jane Shasky, though the designs were cropped slightly differently for those labels than for the combined strip that I received today.

Neither of the earlier mailings that I received featured the bluejay design. I’m not sure if that means the bluejay was not included among the individual labels that were printed, or if I just didn’t happen to receive one.

Boys Town turns Christmas scenes into cinderella stamps

When I pulled the business reply envelope out of the most recent mailing that I received from Boys Town yesterday, I thought something seemed a bit familiar, and I was right! The envelope bears three stamp-sized Christmas-themed stickers with the words “Hope,” “Love,” and “Faith.” All three designs were previously preprinted on a pair of BREs distributed in September and October of this year.

Boys Town business reply envelope bearing cinderella stamps depicting Christmas-related scenes
Boys Town business reply envelope with three Christmas cinderellas
Three Boys Town cinderella stamps depicting Christmas scenes
Boys Town hope, love, and faith cinderella stamps

The designs on these three seals appear a bit brighter than their preprinted predecessors, probably because of the glossy stock on which they are printed.

A fourth design captioned “Believe” also appeared on one of the earlier envelopes. I have not seen a copy of that design reproduced as a stamp-sized label, but I can’t rule out the possibility that it might be out there somewhere, or that some other combination or arrangement of this set of labels may exist on other BREs distributed this month.

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