Kevin Blackston
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America

Philosateleian Blog

Philosateleian Post introduces First-Class, Nonmachinable labels

On December 5, Philosateleian Post introduced a blue First-Class Mail International label for use on mail bound for destinations outside the United States. On December 12, two additional labels were placed into use: a red label for domestic first-class mail, and a purple one for nonmachinable items.

Philosateleian Post First-Class Mail and Nonmachinable labels
Philosateleian Post First-Class Mail & Nonmachinable labels

The First-Class Mail label is intended for use on small parcels or other items where I might feel a need to indicate the specific rate that applies, while the Nonmachinable label is for standard envelopes that have odd dimensions or are too rigid for regular mail processing.

I don’t anticipate using either of these a great deal, but they’re nice to have handy when the need arises.

If you would like mint copies of Philosateleian Post’s new First-Class Mail and Nonmachinable labels, send either $2 or a self-addressed stamped envelope and your request to:

Kevin Blackston
Philosateleian Post
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America

Flying saucer adorns Tui-Tui postal card

As I continue working my way through the items in my mail tray, today I can share a scan of a Tui-Tui postal card I recently received from Dogfish, a mail artist in Washington state.

46p Tui-Tui stamp on 15-nupee Tui-Tui postal card
Tui-Tui postal card

In addition to the postal card’s 15-nupee design picturing a woman and a flying saucer, it also has a 46p Tui-Tui stamp with a 1997 date along with a United States brain coral postcard stamp issued in 2019.

Although artistamps and local post stamps are not necessarily exactly the same thing, they’re certainly both part of the overall family of cinderella stamps, and it’s always interesting to see what other creators are producing!

Envelope from Chicago charity features preprinted flower designs

When I got back from a business trip last week, my post office box was full of mail. I spent some time Friday doing the initial sort-and-shred, then a while Sunday dealing with most of what was left. One of the items still remaining in my mail tray is yet another business reply envelope, this one from Chicago’s Mercy Home for Boys and Girls.

Mercy Home for Boys and Girls business reply envelope bearing two preprinted stamp-sized designs picturing flowers
Mercy Home for Boys and Girls business reply envelope

This BRE has two preprinted stamp-sized images picturing flowers. Both are dated 2019 despite the envelope being distributed in a mailing this month; my guess is the charity must have had a large lot of envelopes produced several years ago and is still working through old stock.

The print quality on the stamp-sized images is not fantastic, but the envelope we’re discussing here isn’t exactly made of photo paper. For what it is, it is no doubt adequate.

Philosateleian Post to issue stamp picturing Western cattle

On January 30, 2023, Philosateleian Post will participate in World Local Post Day by issuing a stamp picturing Western cattle not in a storm.

1 stamp Philosateleian Post stamp picturing Western cattle not in a storm
Philosateleian Post Western Cattle Not in Storm stamp

The 1-stamp stamp pictures a herd of cattle in the San Antonio, Texas, area, with the caption—“Western Cattle Not in Storm”—being a nod to the famous $1 “Western Cattle in Storm” United States stamp issued in 1898.

“My family and I can often see cattle from our own home,” says Philosateleian Post’s proprietor, Kevin Blackston. “Cattle are closely associated with the state of Texas, and I could think of no more appropriate animal to feature on Philosateleian Post’s stamp for World Local Post Day 2023.”

The Local Post Collectors Society celebrates World Local Post Day on the final Monday in January each year. Local wildlife was chosen as the official WLPD topic for 2023.

Technical Specifications

Format: sheets of 55. Design size: 36×21 mm. Separation method: perforated 12. Adhesive: water-activated dry gum. Printing method: laser.

Philatelic Services

To receive a mint single of Philosateleian Post’s Western Cattle Not in Storm stamp, or for first day cover service, send either $2 or a self-addressed stamped envelope and your request to:

Kevin Blackston
Philosateleian Post
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America

Philippine Stamp Collectors’ Society launches local post

The newest entry into the world of local posting comes not from a single individual, but from a society! According to a notice I received from the Philippine Stamp Collectors’ Society, the group is launching the PSCS Local Post using provisional stamps celebrating the Society’s second anniversary.

For a better idea of what to watch for, here’s a November 2022 cover mailed from San Diego, California, to Floresville, Texas, bearing one of the stamps along with PSCS Local Post markings.

60¢ PSCS Local Post provisional stamp on cover with San Diego and PSCS Local Post cancellations
60¢ PSCS Local Post provisional stamp on cover

The notice I received indicated the provisional stamps would have denominations of P1.00, P15.00, P18.00, or P21.00; however, the stamp on the cover I received appears to have a face value of 60¢. I’m not sure at this time whether that’s because the stamp sent to me originated in the United States instead of the Philippines or if the 60¢ value was merely a late addition to the lineup, but I’ll be sure to post here if I learn more.

Although the labels currently being used are provisionals not originally intended for use as local post stamps, the notice I received anticipates official PSCS Local Post stamps will be available beginning in January 2023.

If you’re a member of the Philippine Stamp Collectors’ Society, welcome to the world of local posting! I look forward to learning more about this new operation.

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