Kevin Blackston
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America

Philosateleian Blog

Let it Snow post card

When I stopped by the post office this evening, I found this post card from the Letter Writer Alliance’s Donovan Beeson in my box.

Post card enclosed in plastic wrapper
Post card with sparkly stuff in plastic wrapper

It doesn't show especially well in this scan, but Donovan used some sort of sparkly material to make it look like it “snowed” inside the plastic wrapper that contains the post card. A nice treat at the end of a busy work day!

Philosateleian Post sets new record

With the books finally closed on 2014, I can say with certainty that it was a record-setting year for Philosateleian Post! The Post carried just more than 400 pieces of mail last year, an increase of roughly 67% over 2013.

The jump in volume was nearly across the board. The only mail category in which I did not send more items in 2014 was packages. All other groupings (letters, business mail, international, etc.) saw marked increases.

My efforts to sell more excess material on eBay certainly contributed to the busy year, but I also wrote more real letters, something I hope to do again this year.

Do you have any big mail plans for 2015?

A pretty envelope, plus Young Friends of the APS

I received this delightfully-franked envelope from the American Philatelic Society in the mail yesterday:

American Philatelic Society cover bearing 10 stamps
American Philatelic Society cover

There are 10 stamps on here, which is no small feat! The envelope even caught my wife’s eye; she recognized Whistler’s Mother on the purple 3¢ stamp.

At any rate, the envelope contained a letter from the Young Friends of the American Philatelic Society, which is made up of collectors ages 20–49. The group is planning activities for the 2015 Ameristamp Expo being held in Riverside, California, February 13–15, and the organizers are trying to get a feel for how many people in that age bracket are planning to attend.

If you’re part of the under-50 crowd but you missed out on previous news about the Young Friends of the APS, let me know. I’ll be happy to put you in touch with the folks in charge.

Package wrapped in postcards and stamps

Last week, I received a package from my mail art friend Marguerite K. She mailed a children’s book for Hadassah to us, and as usual, did so with great style!

Package wrapping paper depicting stamps and postcards
Package wrapping paper

I have no idea where Marguerite came up with this wrapping paper, but it is perfect for a collector like me. Cool stuff!

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