Kevin Blackston
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America

Updates & supplements

Keep your copy of The Philosateleian U.S. Stamp Album current by printing pages updated since you first downloaded the album.

The current version of The Philosateleian already contains the updated pages listed here. You do not need any of these files if you just downloaded the complete album.


Date Description
June 2 Summer 2024 Supplement (96.1 KB, 2 files, 7 pages). Adds or replaces 2022 page 15 and 2024 pages 1–6.
March 3 Spring 2024 Supplement (172 KB, 3 files, 3 pages). Adds or replaces 2020 page 15, 2023 page 1, and 2024 page 1.


Date Description
December 21 Changed “Year of the Rat” to “Year of the Rabbit” on 2023 page 15.
December 3 Winter 2023 Supplement (98 KB, 1 file, 2 pages). Adds or replaces 2023 pages 4–5. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
September 10 Added spaces for U.S. stamps on 2023 page 7.
September 3 Fall 2023 Supplement (150 KB, 2 files, 7 pages). Adds or replaces 2023 pages 4 and 11–15 and Hunting Permit 2020 page 1. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
July 25 Resized spaces for Endangered Species stamps on 2023 pages 7–9.
June 4 Summer 2023 Supplement (74.8 KB, 1 file, 8 pages). Adds 2023 pages 2–9.
March 5 Spring 2023 Supplement (263 KB, 4 files, 8 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 16–19, 2020 page 15, 2022 pages 5 and 15, and 2023 page 1. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
February 8 Changed “Crocus” to “Crocuses,” “Pansy” to “Pansies,” “Plum Blossom” to “Plum Blossoms,” “Grape Hyacinth” to “Grape Hyacinths,” and “Daffodil” to “Daffodils” on 2022 page 14.


Date Description
December 4 Winter 2022 Supplement (1.14 MB, 1 file, 5 pages). Adds or replaces 2022 pages 5–6 and 12–14. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
October 2 Special 2022 Supplement #2 (1.09 MB, 22 files, 53 pages). Adds pages for cigarette tubes, potato tax, tobacco sale tax, boating, trailer permit, firearms transfer tax, distilled spirits excise tax, and rectification tax revenue stamps and Philosateleian Post local post stamps.
September 4 Fall 2022 Supplement (167 KB, 3 files, 7 pages). Adds or replaces 2022 pages 3–5 and 9–10 and Hunting Permit 2020 page 1. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
June 12 Added spaces for Mountain Flora stamps to 2022 page 2 and moved spaces for Love stamps to 2022 page 3.
June 5 Summer 2022 Supplement (107 KB, 2 files, 7 pages). Adds or replaces 2013 pages 14–15 and 2022 pages 1–3 and 5–6.
March 6 Spring 2022 Supplement (783 KB, 11 files, 19 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 16–19, 2016 page 14, 2020 page 15, and 2022 pages 1–2, and adds pages for motor vehicle use tax revenue stamps. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
February 6 Special 2022 Supplement (283 KB, 5 files, 8 pages). Adds pages for marihuana tax and consular service fee revenue stamps.
February 3 Changed “Gonk Droid” to “2-1B Droid” and “2-1B Droid” to “Gonk Droid” on 2021 page 11.


Date Description
December 5 Winter 2021 Supplement (203 KB, 3 files, 29 pages). Adds or replaces 2021 pages 1–2 and 5–7, and adds pages for narcotic tax revenue stamps.
September 5 Fall 2021 Supplement (1.27 MB, 8 files, 21 pages). Adds or replaces 2021 pages 1–5 and Hunting Permit 2020, and adds pages for silver tax revenue stamps. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
August 1 Special 2021 Supplement #2 (330 KB, 6 files, 6 pages). Adds pages for fermented fruit juice and playing cards revenue stamps.
July 11 Changed “Perf. 12” to “Perf. 11” and “10¢” to “2¢” on Revenue - Cordials, Wines, Etc. 1914 page 5.
July 4 Special 2021 Supplement (417 KB, 7 files, 49 pages). Adds pages for cordials, wines, etc. revenue stamps.
June 6 Summer 2021 Supplement (146 KB, 3 files, 7 pages). Adds or replaces 2000 page 24, 2010 page 7, and 2021 pages 1 and 4–7.
March 8 Regenerated Revenue - Stock Transfer 1944 pages 1–3.
March 7 Spring 2021 Supplement (1.42 MB, 21 files, 58 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 16–19, 2020 pages 1, 4, and 15, 2021 pages 1–2, and adds pages for future delivery and stock transfer revenue stamps.


Date Description
December 2 Winter 2020 Supplement (403 KB, 1 file, 2 pages). Adds 2020 pages 4 and 14. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
November 2 Special 2020 Supplement (342 KB, 6 files, 12 pages). Adds pages for proprietary and customs fee revenue stamps.
October 21 Changed “60¢” to “70¢” on Revenue 1871 page 6 and “10¢” to “5¢” and “10¢” to “20¢” on Revenue 1929 page 1.
September 6 Fall 2020 Supplement (2.87 MB, 1 files, 8 pages). Adds or replaces 2020 pages 1–3 and 8–12. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
August 2 Added Volume RI (2.8 MB, 52 files, 114 pages). Adds or replaces pages for general revenue and Hunting Permit stamps.
June 7 Summer 2020 Supplement (313 KB, 3 files, 7 pages). Adds or replaces 2013 pages 14–15, 2020 pages 1–2 and 5–6, and Hunting Permit 1934 page 18. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
May 3 Resized spaces for Minute Man stamps on Savings 1911 pages 4, 5, and 8.
March 3 Added spaces for Wild Orchids coil stamps to 2020 pages 2–3.
March 1 Spring 2020 Supplement (164 KB, 3 files, 6 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 16–18, 2020 pages 1–2, and Semipostal 2019 page 1.


Date Description
December 1 Winter 2019 Supplement (72.2 KB, 1 file, 3 pages). Adds or replaces 2019 pages 4–5 and 7.
September 1 Fall 2019 Supplement (73.1 KB, 1 file, 7 pages). Adds or replaces 2019 pages 1–4, 7, and 12–13.
July 6 Resized spaces for Transcontinental Railroad stamps on 2019 page 1.
June 2 Summer 2019 Supplement (81.2 KB, 1 file, 8 pages). Adds or replaces 2019 pages 1–2 and 4–9.
March 3 Spring 2019 Supplement (273 KB, 4 files, 11 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 16–20, 2010 pages 6–7, 2017 pages 4–5, and 2019 pages 1–2.


Date Description
December 2 Winter 2018 Supplement (66 KB, 1 file, 5 pages). Adds or replaces 2018 pages 3, 4–5, and 11–12.
September 2 Fall 2018 Supplement (166 KB, 3 files, 8 pages). Adds or replaces 2013 pages 14–15, 2018 pages 2–4 and 7–8, and Hunting Permit 1934 page 18.
June 3 Summer 2018 Supplement (192 KB, 1 file, 2 pages). Adds or replaces 2018 pages 1–2. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
April 10 Changed “Barrow’s Goldeneye” to “Northern Pintail” on Hunting Permit 1934 page 12 and “American Wigeon” to “Common Goldeneye” on Hunting Permit 1934 page 16, added perf. info for Wood Duck and Common Goldeneye stamps on Hunting Permit 1934 page 16 and Canvasback Duck stamps on Hunting Permit 1934 page 17, and added spaces for Trumpeter Swans stamps on Hunting Permit 1934 page 17 and Canada Geese stamps on Hunting Permit 1934 page 18.
March 28 Changed “U.S. Flag & Sea” to “U.S. Flag & Clouds” on 2008 page 8, “U.S. Flag & Trees” to “U.S. Flag & Fruited Plain” on 2008 page 15, “American Wonders” to “American Landmarks” on 2008 pages 16–18, and “Captain Nutcracker” to “Soldier Nutcracker” on 2008 page 24.
March 4 Spring 2018 Supplement (346 KB, 3 files, 9 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 16–20, 2016 page 14, and 2018 pages 1–3. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
January 25 Added space for Flag & Liberty stamp to 2005 page 17.
January 7 Changed “Symbidium Orchid” to “Cymbidium Orchid” on 2000 page 24.


Date Description
December 12 Changed “Daniel Webster” to “Thomas Jefferson” on Official Mail 1873 page 2.
December 3 Winter 2017 Supplement (197 KB, 4 files, 5 pages). Adds or replaces 2016 page 14, 2017 pages 4–5, Semipostal 1998 page 1, and Semipostal 2003 page 1.
September 3 Fall 2017 Supplement (141 KB, 2 files, 12 pages). Adds or replaces 2016 pages 7 and 14 and 2017 pages 2–5 and 10–15.
June 4 Summer 2017 Supplement (169 KB, 3 files, 8 pages). Adds or replaces 2013 pages 7 and 14, 2016 page 14, and 2017 pages 1–3 and 6–7.
March 5 Spring 2017 Supplement (222 KB, 3 files, 12 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 16–20, 2016 pages 3, 7, and 14, and 2017 pages 1–4.


Date Description
December 4 Winter 2016 Supplement (144 KB, 3 files, 5 pages). Adds or replaces 2010 page 7, 2012 pages 11 and 16, and 2016 pages 5–6.
September 4 Fall 2016 Supplement (78.4 KB, 1 file, 7 pages). Adds or replaces 2016 pages 2–6 and 11–12.
June 5 Summer 2016 Supplement (291 KB, 3 files, 9 pages). Adds or replaces 2003 page 10, 2015 pages 3 and 5, and 2016 pages 1–4 and 6–8.
March 6 Spring 2016 Supplement (310 KB, 5 files, 9 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 16–19, 2013 page 14, 2014 page 12, 2015 page 4, and 2016 pages 1–2.


Date Description
December 6 Winter 2015 Supplement (239 KB, 4 files, 9 pages). Adds or replaces 2011 pages 4–5, 2012 page 6, 2015 pages 1–5, and Hunting Permit 1934 page 17.
September 6 Fall 2015 Supplement (149 KB, 3 files, 5 pages). Adds or replaces 2003 page 10, 2012 pages 1 and 15, and 2015 pages 3–4.
June 7 Summer 2015 Supplement (303 KB, 7 files, 12 pages). Adds or replaces 2003 pages 10–11, 2009 page 11, 2010 page 7, 2011 pages 11–12, 2013 pages 5 and 15, 2014 pages 10–11, and 2015 pages 1–3.
March 1 Spring 2015 Supplement (228 KB, 4 files, 5 pages). Adds or replaces 2003 pages 10–11, 2008 page 18, 2012 page 11, and 2015 page 1. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
February 1 Resized spaces for Wilt Chamberlain stamps on 2014 page 3.


Date Description
December 7 Winter 2014 Supplement (200 KB, 5 files, 12 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 page 17, 2012 pages 3, 5–6, and 11, 2013 page 14, 2014 pages 1–5, and Semipostal 1998 page 1.
September 7 Fall 2014 Supplement (190 KB, 4 files, 9 pages). Adds or replaces 2011 page 11, 2013 pages 3–5 and 15, 2014 pages 2–3 and 9, and Hunting Permit 1934 page 17.
June 1 Summer 2014 Supplement (275 KB, 5 files, 20 pages). Adds or replaces 2003 page 11, 2008 pages 16–17, 2011 page 4, 2013 pages 2–5, 12, and 14–16, and 2014 pages 1–8.
March 2 Spring 2014 Supplement (401 KB, 7 files, 12 pages). Adds or replaces 2002 pages 21–22, 2003 pages 9–11, 2007 pages 12–13, 2008 page 18, 2009 page 11, 2010 page 7, and 2014 pages 1–2. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.


Date Description
December 5 Added spaces for Ray Charles and Tufted Puffins stamps to 2013 pages 2 and 13.
December 1 Winter 2013 Supplement (101 KB, 2 files, 9 pages). Adds or replaces 2012 pages 5–6 and 11 and 2013 pages 2–5 and 11–12.
September 1 Fall 2013 Supplement (266 KB, 5 files, 13 pages). Adds or replaces 2007 page 13, 2011 pages 3 and 5, 2013 pages 1–3, 7–8, and 10–11, and Hunting Permit 1934 page 16. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
August 11 Changed “Devil’s Tower” to “Devils Tower” on 1956 page 2.
June 2 Summer 2013 Supplement (103 KB, 2 files, 8 pages). Adds or replaces 2011 page 10 and 2013 pages 2–8.
March 3 Spring 2013 Supplement (246 KB, 4 files, 9 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 16–18, 2009 pages 10–11, 2010 page 7, and 2013 pages 1–3.


Date Description
December 2 Winter 2012 Supplement (146 KB, 3 files, 8 pages). Adds or replaces 1954 page 3, 1961 page 3, and 2012 pages 3, 5–6, and 8–10. Deletes 1962 page 3.
September 2 Fall 2012 Supplement (274 KB, 4 files, 15 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 8–15, 2010 pages 6–7, 2012 pages 4–5, 7, and 9, and 2012 pages 1 and 3–8, and Hunting Permit 1934 page 16. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
July 4 Changed info for Eastern Bluebird stamp on 1990 page 5 from “inscribed ‘01’” to “inscribed ‘03’.”
June 3 Summer 2012 Supplement (244 KB, 4 files, 13 pages). Adds or replaces 1902 page 1, 2007 pages 13 and 15, 2011 pages 4 and 10–11, and 2012 pages 1 and 3–8.
March 4 Spring 2012 Supplement (359 KB, 6 files, 16 pages). Adds or replaces 2002 page 21, 2008 pages 15–16, 2009 page 10, 2010 pages 5–6, 2012 pages 1–6, and Airmail 1999 pages 1–3.


Date Description
December 4 Winter 2011 Supplement (288 KB, 6 files, 10 pages). Adds or replaces 2007 page 15, 2009 page 11, 2010 page 10, 2011 pages 3–4 and 10–11, Semipostal 1998 page 1, and Hunting Permit 1934 pages 15–16.
September 4 Fall 2011 Supplement (198 KB, 4 files, 15 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 8–14, 2010 page 10, 2011 pages 1–4 and 8–9, and Hunting Permit 1934 page 16.
July 7 Added die cut info for George Washington and Herbs coil stamps on 2011 page 3.
June 5 Summer 2011 Supplement (317 KB, 6 files, 14 pages). Adds or replaces 2007 page 15, 2008 page 13, 2009 pages 5 and 10, 2010 page 10, 2011 pages 1–6, and Airmail 1999 pages 1–3.
March 6 Spring 2011 Supplement (201 KB, 4 files, 5 pages). Adds or replaces 2002 pages 21–22, 2008 page 14, 2010 page 10, and 2011 page 1.


Date Description
December 4 Winter 2010 Supplement (112 KB, 2 files, 8 pages). Adds or replaces 2002 pages 21–22 and 2010 pages 1–2, 4–6, and 9.
September 5 Fall 2010 Supplement (158 KB, 3 files, 7 pages). Adds or replaces 2007 pages 13 and 15, 2010 pages 1–2 and 5–6, and Hunting Permit 1934 page 15.
June 6 Summer 2010 Supplement (496 KB, 11 files, 28 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 8–12, 2010 pages 1–5, U.S. Postal Agency in China 1919, and U.S. Postal Agency in China 1922. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
May 2 Special 2010 Supplement (292 KB, 7 files, 16 pages). Adds Newspapers & Periodicals 1865 pages 1–2, Newspapers & Periodicals 1875 pages 1–3, Newspapers & Periodicals 1879 pages 1–4, Newspapers & Periodicals 1894 page 1, Newspapers & Periodicals 1895 pages 1–3, and Postal Note 1945.
February 22 Spring 2010 Supplement (116 KB, 3 files, 4 pages). Adds or replaces 2008 pages 12–13 and 2010 page 1.


Date Description
December 6 Winter 2009 Supplement (180 KB, 3 files, 21 pages). Adds or replaces 2007 page 15, 2009 pages 1–2, 6, and 10–11, and Hunting Permit 1934 pages 1–15.
September 13 Fall 2009 Supplement (257 KB, 5 files, 17 pages). Adds or replaces 2001 page 8, 2007 pages 12–13, 2008 pages 8–10, 2009 pages 1–3, and Airmail 1999 pages 1–2.
July 14 Resized spaces for the Simpsons stamps on 2009 page 3.
June 3 Summer 2009 Supplement (203 KB, 4 files, 7 pages). Adds or replaces 2000 page 21, 2003 page 9, 2007 page 13, and 2009 pages 1–4.
March 11 Spring 2009 Supplement (360 KB, 7 files, 16 pages). Adds or replaces 2003 pages 5 and 9, 2006 page 7, 2007 pages 13 and 15, 2008 pages 3–5 and 11–12, 2009 pages 1–2, and Official Mail 1985 pages 1–2.


Date Description
December 7 Winter 2008 Supplement (270 KB, 5 files, 14 pages). Adds or replaces 1995 page 7, 2001 page 8, 2004 page 7, 2007 pages 14–15, and 2008 pages 1–2, 3, and 9–10.
September 14 Fall 2008 Supplement (234 KB, 4 files, 15 pages). Adds or replaces 2002 page 21, 2004 pages 8–9, 2007 pages 7, 12, and 15, and 2008 pages 1–3 and 6–9.
June 24 Resized spaces for the 2008 Flags of Our Nation stamps on 2008 pages 5–6.
June 22 Summer 2008 Supplement (436 KB, 7 files, 19 pages). Adds or replaces 1991 page 13, 2000 page 21, 2002 page 21, 2003 page 9, 2007 pages 7, 12–13, and 17, 2008 page 1, and Airmail 1999 pages 1–2.
March 16 Spring 2008 Supplement (193 KB, 4 files, 14 pages). Adds or replaces 2007 pages 1–2, 6–9, and 12–15 and 2008 page 1.
February 25 Rearranged stamps on 2007 page 8.


Date Description
December 26 Winter 2007 Supplement (340 KB, 6 files, 11 pages). Adds or replaces 1847 page 1, 1857 page 1, 1995 pages 5–7, 2002 page 21, 2006 pages 20–21, and 2007 pages 6, 8, and 12–13.
October 28 Fall 2007 Supplement (284 KB, 5 files, 21 pages). Adds or replaces 2001 page 8, 2002 page 21, 2003 page 9, 2004 pages 7–11, and 2007 pages 1–10 and 15–17.
July 8 Summer 2007 Supplement (325 KB, 6 files, 14 pages). This package adds or replaces 2000 page 21, 2002 page 21, 2007 pages 1–7, Airmail 1999 pages 1–2, and Official Mail 1985 pages 1–2. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
June 11 Changed “Decathon” to “Decathlon” on 1979 page 5.
June 2 Removed 1989 page 8.
April 29 Changed “Oklahoma Statehood” to “Oklahoma” on 2007 page 1.
March 19 Spring 2007 Supplement (160 KB, 4 files, 4 pages). Adds 2007 page 1. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
January 14 Added spaces for the 2006 Snowflakes stamps on 2006 page 20.


Date Description
December 31 Added space for World Stamp Expo ’89 souvenir sheet on 1989 page 8.
December 6 Winter 2006 Supplement (472 KB, 9 files, 18 pages). Adds or replaces 2000 page 23, 2001 page 8, 2002 page 21, 2003 page 9, 2004 page 6, 2005 page 16, and 2006 pages 1, 3–5, and 16. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
November 14 Changed “Perry & Henson” to “Peary & Henson” on 1986 page 1.
October 23 Changed “Chili Pepper Wreath” to “Victorian Wreath” on 1998 page 21.
September 7 Fall 2006 Supplement (369 KB, 8 files, 13 pages). Adds or replaces 2002 page 21 and 2006 pages 4 and 11–15. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
August 11 Changed “Wilber & Orville Wright” to “Wilbur & Orville Wright” on Airmail 1949 page 1.
August 10 Changed “Lindbergh” to “Charles Lindbergh” and “Beach on Rocky Mountains” to “Beacon on Rocky Mountains” on Airmail 1926 page 1.
August 8 Changed “Messenger Running” to “Messenger on Bicycle” on Special Delivery 1902 page 1.
August 2 Changed “Columbian Stamp Expo ’89” to “Columbian Stamp Expo ’92” on 1992 page 3.
June 22 Changed perf. info for Love stamp on 1991 page 6 from “Perf. 12×13½” to “Perf. 12½×13.”
June 16 Changed “Ameripex ’86” to “Australia” on 1988 page 4.
June 9 Summer 2006 Supplement (487 KB, 9 files, 21 pages). Adds or replaces 1991 pages 1–2, 2002 pages 4 and 6, 2003 page 9, 2004 pages 7–8, 2005 pages 4 and 6–7, and 2006 pages 1–11. All other updates issued since the release of the last supplement are also included.
May 29 Changed “Joseph Priestly” to “Joseph Priestley” on 1983 page 1.
April 30 Changed “W. C Fields” to “W. C. Fields” on 1978 page 6.
March 18 Added perf. info for Texas Centennial stamp on 1936 page 1.
March 12 Spring 2006 Supplement (460 KB, 12 files, 21 pages). Adds or replaces 1992 pages 16–21, 2000 page 21, 2002 pages 21–22, 2005 page 16, 2006 pages 1–4, Airmail 1999 pages 1–2, and Official Mail 1985 pages 1–2. All other updates issued since the release of The Philosateleian are also included.
February 28 Changed “Pure Food and Drug Laws” to “Pure Food & Drug Laws” on 1956 page 2.
February 1 Changed “Currier and Ives” to “Currier & Ives” on 1974 page 3.
January 23 The Philosateleian is launched!

Published 2018-06-14 Last updated 2024-06-02