Three thank yous, and a corrected mistake
I’ve been remiss in mentioning it, but over the past several weeks, two of Philosateleia’s supporters have sent generous contributions my way. In October, Vivian B. provided a gift via PayPal, and earlier this month, James F. sent a check by mail.
Vivian and James are both longtime supporters who have sent gifts to help pay the bills in the past, and I’m pleased to say that their contributions this year should cover virtually all of Philosateleia’s expenses for 2018. Thank you to you both!
An error corrected
Steve R., a user of The Philosateleian U.S. Stamp Album recently pointed out an error on one of the pages for 19th century official mail stamps. The page for stamps of the Executive Department contained a space captioned “Daniel Webster,” the individual depicted on the 15¢ value used during the 1870s. The problem is that no such stamp ever existed!
The highest value in the Executive Department set was the 10¢ Thomas Jefferson, and I’ve updated the page with the correct name. You can download the corrected file from the updates & supplements page.
Interestingly, this mistake had apparently existed since I launched The Philosateleian way back in 2006, and I’d never caught it. That probably tells you something about how much time I spend in that part of my album, but I’m glad to be able to put it right. Thank you, Steve, for pointing out the problem!
Published 2017-12-12
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