Kevin Blackston
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America

Philippine Stamp Collectors’ Society launches local post

The newest entry into the world of local posting comes not from a single individual, but from a society! According to a notice I received from the Philippine Stamp Collectors’ Society, the group is launching the PSCS Local Post using provisional stamps celebrating the Society’s second anniversary.

For a better idea of what to watch for, here’s a November 2022 cover mailed from San Diego, California, to Floresville, Texas, bearing one of the stamps along with PSCS Local Post markings.

60¢ PSCS Local Post provisional stamp on cover with San Diego and PSCS Local Post cancellations
60¢ PSCS Local Post provisional stamp on cover

The notice I received indicated the provisional stamps would have denominations of P1.00, P15.00, P18.00, or P21.00; however, the stamp on the cover I received appears to have a face value of 60¢. I’m not sure at this time whether that’s because the stamp sent to me originated in the United States instead of the Philippines or if the 60¢ value was merely a late addition to the lineup, but I’ll be sure to post here if I learn more.

Although the labels currently being used are provisionals not originally intended for use as local post stamps, the notice I received anticipates official PSCS Local Post stamps will be available beginning in January 2023.

If you’re a member of the Philippine Stamp Collectors’ Society, welcome to the world of local posting! I look forward to learning more about this new operation.

Published 2022-12-07


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