NLEOMF uses cinderella label on business reply envelope
A friend and correspondent of mine, Mary S., recently sent a business reply envelope that she received from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund to me. On the envelope, next to a label that bears three identical stamp-sized pieces of artwork, she wrote, “Are these real stamps?”

The design on the label pictures a blue jay, a dragonfly, a butterfly, and a variety of flowers.
The answer to Mary’s question, of course, is no, these are not real stamps, but it’s easy to see how a non-collector could end up wondering about that. Like the Boys Town BREs that I’ve previously illustrated here, the designs on the label on this envelope are virtually the same size as the designs of actual United States postage stamps. Interestingly enough, this particular label even has simulated printed die cuts around each design, but once again, all three images are printed on a single label.
As I mentioned in my February 2019 post about a Boys Town BRE with similar labels, non-profits have found not only that applying actual postage stamps to their reply envelopes boosts response rates, but that applying labels or stickers apparently accomplishes the same thing. Regardless of their reasoning, it has provided me with some nice curios for my collection.
Published 2020-09-08
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