Kevin Blackston
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America

Closeup scans of PSCS, Manila Local Post stamps

When I wrote about the Philippine Stamp Collectors’ Society Local Post for the first time last December, I mentioned information I’d received indicated provisional stamps with face values of P1.00, P15.00, P18.00, and P21.00 had been prepared, but that I had not yet seen them. Today, I’m happy to report that I have seen them, and can share a scan with you.

P1.00, P15.00, P18.00, and P21.00 PSCS Local Post provisional stamps with PSCS logo
P1.00, P15.00, P18.00, and P21.00 PSCS Local Post provisional stamps

Ann F., the operator of Manila Local Post, confirmed that the stamps went into use in November 2022.

Manila Local Post last month issued a local post stamp picturing the Rizal Monument in Manila, Philippines, a stamp I’d previously reported seeing on the back of a San Diego Local Post cover. I now have one properly used on a cover from the Philippines, too.

P1 Manila Local Post stamp picturing Rizal Monument
P1 Manila Local Post stamp picturing Rizal Monument

As you can see, there’s also a PSCS stamp or label next to the Manila Local Post stamp. It appears to picture a cartoon cat or something along those lines, but I don’t have any other information about it. Maybe at a future time!

Published 2023-02-07


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