Wild and Scenic Rivers stamps are truly wild
There are a lot of modern United States stamps about which I don’t have particularly strong feelings. It’s nothing personal, but whether it’s the designs or the subject matter or whatever the case may be, my reaction is little more than a shrug of the shoulders.
The Wild and Scenic Rivers stamps released in May, on the other hand? Absolutely gorgeous!

The stamps picture a dozen North American rivers: the Merced, the Owyhee, the Koyukuk, the Niobrara, the Snake, the Flathead, the Missouri, the Skagit, the Deschutes, the Tlikakila, the Ontonagon, and the Clarion. The photo of the Merced River, which runs through Yosemite Valley, is used a second time as the pane’s selvage.
Again, these stamps are beautiful. I’ll be the first to admit that my love of landscapes is no doubt a big part of why I like these stamps so much, but wow. I purchased five panes; one pane’s worth of stamps are for my collection, and the rest are for use as postage. I would not be at all surprised to see this issue sell out just like last year’s O Beautiful stamps.
Published 2019-06-18
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