Purgatory Post issues 2021 World Local Post Day stamp
World Local Post Day 2021 is coming up this Monday, January 25, and participants like me will be issuing stamps celebrating the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables. New Hampshire-based Purgatory Post got a bit of a jump on the rest of us, however, by issuing its World Local Post Day stamp on January 5. The 21-sola stamp pictures a strawberry.
Scott A. printed the stamp on a glossy-surfaced paper, and to paraphrase my non-collecting wife’s reaction, it looks like the real deal.
Scott says his stamp’s design is inspired by Mexico’s Exporta series of the 1970s through the 1990s, and I have to hand it to him: his design makes that of my upcoming Philosateleian Post stamp look like a poor cousin in comparison. Not every local post stamp is a home run just like not every United States stamp is a home run, but Purgatory Post’s new stamp is the sort of result we local post operators aim for even if we don’t always achieve it.
Published 2021-01-21
Vicki (2021-02-08 13:38):
I am interested in obtaining the 2021 Purgatory Post World Local Post Day stamp but have been unsuccessful in my search for details.
Could you direct me? I received your issued fruit stamp. I was excited to add it to my "fruits on stamps" collection.
Thank you.
Kevin Blackston (2021-02-08 21:10):
As far as I know, Purgatory Post does not have an online presence, but if you’ll send your contact details my way, I’ll be happy to pass your information along to Purgatory Post’s operator.
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