New issue ceremony in Daytona Beach
You may have seen pictures of the new United States stamps depicting “muscle cars” of the 1960s and 1970s. These stamps are being formally issued down the road a bit from me in Daytona Beach on Friday. For those who aren’t stock car racing fans, the Daytona 500 is this weekend, so there’s a bit of a tie-in there.
The official ceremony is being held at Daytona International Speedway, and stock car racing legend Richard Petty and his son Kyle will be signing autographs. According to an e-mail notification I received last week from the American Philatelic Society, collectors are welcome to attend the ceremony, but must purchase a ticket to the truck race being held tomorrow evening plus a pass to the “Sprint Fanzone” area, a total cost of $65.
I would love to meet “The King” (Richard’s nickname), but my work schedule and the cost of admission will both work against me. Nevertheless, it sounds like a fun event for those who get to attend.
Published 2013-02-21
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