Kevin Blackston
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America

Navigators business reply envelope decorated with snowflakes

Today’s incoming mail was unremarkable for the most part, but one piece addressed to my wife did contain an item of vague philatelic interest. It’s the latest business reply envelope variant from the nonprofit group Navigators.

The front of this envelope, which is made of light blue paper, has three roughly stamp-sized preprinted designs picturing a white snowflake against a dark blue background.

Navigators business reply envelope with preprinted stamp-sized snowflake designs
Navigators business reply envelope with stamp-sized snowflake designs

As you an see, the envelope has a vertical crease running through its center. That’s because it was folded for mailing.

The note in the upper left corner of the envelope states, “Postage has been paid for you!” That wording is probably intended to reinforce the impression that the designs are stamps, even though you and I know that’s not really the case.

Published 2024-12-11


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