Mick’s Local Post issues stamp honoring Woofles Cat
Mick’s Local Post of Portland, Oregon, recently issued a new stamp commemorating the life of Woofles Cat (?–2024). The Class A local post stamp features a photograph of Woofles against a black background.

Mick writes that he adopted Woofles when the cat was estimated to be around 10 years old, and that he thought of Woofles as his “best friend, because that is exactly what he was.”
The text on the stamp, which reads “Woofles Cat (??–2024)”, “Mick’s Local Post,” and “Class A,” would have benefited from significantly more contrast with the background. The subject matter, on the other hand, is in my opinion just great.
The topic is very much of relevance to the issuing entity unlike a lot of stamps produced by many countries including, I’m sorry to say, the United States. And it doesn’t matter that most people seeing this stamp probably never met or even previously heard of Woofles Cat; Mick produced the stamp anyway in honor of his furry friend. This is exactly the sort of thing I love about local post stamps, and I’m glad Mick made this one. Well done!
Published 2024-11-28
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