Free books!
In the course of doing some spring cleaning this year, I ran across a couple of stamp collecting books that, although helpful to me when I was younger, I haven’t referenced in quite some time. I no longer have a use for them, so I’m giving them away!
The books are Stamp Collecting: The Complete, Easy Guide to the World’s Most Popular Hobby by Charles Adams and H.E. Harris & Company’s How to Collect Stamps. As the titles may suggest, these volumes are geared toward the beginning collector, giving suggestions on how to build a collection and defining plenty of terms that are specific to philately.

If you’ve just finished putting together a specialized exhibit on Peruvian airmail stamps, these probably are not the books for you, but if you’re still finding your philatelic footing, you might find them useful. If you’re interested, leave a comment below to identify which book you want, then contact me via email so I have your mailing address.
Update: both books have been claimed, and I’ll be preparing them for shipment to the recipients. Thank you for your interest!
Published 2015-04-14
Linda W (2015-04-21 09:58):
Well, I'll take the bait! I really don't know much about stamp collecting, but I'm fascinated with the artwork of stamps. So I'd like to learn more of the basics. Thanks for the generous offer!
Kevin Blackston (2015-04-22 22:28):
I’ll send one of the books your way, Linda. Hope you enjoy it!
harry (2025-02-11 07:53):
i have a lot of stamps .i would like to sell them.
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