Antique perforator for sale in Illinois
I don’t blog about every single stamp perforator I see come on the market, but there’s a real beauty listed on eBay right now that I just have to mention.
The machine is located in Villa Grove, Illinois, and has to be picked up locally, but the starting bid was just $250. As of this writing, there is one bid on it.
I can’t tell from the photos, and the description doesn’t specify, which company (Rosback, Latham, etc.) manufactured the perforator. If it’s in as nice shape as it looks from the pictures, though, this could be a real bargain for an artistamp producer or local post operator in or near Illinois.
I’m still pursuing leads on available perforators, especially tabletop models. Know of one that's up for sale? Let me know so I can share with other readers.
Published 2014-11-16
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