Letter Branch Post issues multiple local post stamps
It’s not all that often that I get to report on a brand new private local post, but a fellow member of the Local Post Collectors Society, Crystal T., recently sent me a sampling of stamps that her very own Letter Branch Post has issued this year, and I wanted to share a scan of them.

Letter Branch Post is based in Newport News, Virginia. All its stamps appear to be denominated 5¢, and they are all printed on self-adhesive paper or label stock, if you so prefer. A couple of the stamps have rounded corners which appear to be cut by hand.
I don’t “do” Halloween myself, so the bird and bat and jack-o’-lantern designs in the bottom row don’t do much for me, but it’s not like that’s all Crystal has done. We’ve got flowers, a cottage, mushrooms, paw paw fruits—that may be a first for a local post stamp, certainly an unusual topic—and right in the middle is a stamp picturing a waterfall. That one will fit right in with my landscapes collection, but I’m going to have to write to ask for more information such as what waterfall it is that the stamp pictures.
For a new local post, this is an excellently diverse group of featured subjects, and I’m looking forward to seeing what else is issued by Letter Branch Post in the coming months! If you’re interested in Instagram, you can find posts by Crystal @theletterbranch.