Kevin Blackston
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America


Purple 3-cent U.S. postage stamp picturing people playing baseball
Centennial of Baseball
Purple 3-cent U.S. postage stamp picturing the Panama Canal, Theodore Roosevelt, and George Goethals
Panama Canal
Purple 3-cent U.S. postage stamp picturing map of Washington, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota
50th Anniversary of Statehood
Purple 3-cent U.S. postage stamp picturing 'Tower of the Sun'
Golden Gate Exposition
Purple 3-cent U.S. postage stamp picturing stylized design related to New York World's Fair
New York World’s Fair
Red violet 3-cent U.S. postage stamp picturing George Washington's inauguration
Inauguration of Washington
Purple 3-cent U.S. postage stamp picturing printing press
Printing in Colonial America


Published 2018-06-19