Kevin Blackston
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America


North Island, New Zealand

Cambridge, New Zealand, shares its more famous eponym’s title because of the alleged similarity between segments of the Waikato River, along which the town was built, and the River Cam, which flows through Cambridge, England.1 The North Island community is best known as the birthplace of a line of winning racehorses, but the peaceful farmlands surrounding the town also provide a pastoral setting for spectacularly colorful sunrises like the one featured on the stamp displayed here.2 3

40-cent New Zealand postage stamp picturing Cambridge on the North Island



  1. McLintock, A.H., ed. Cambridge. Te Ara—The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. 23 Apr. 2009. Accessed 21 May 2014.
  2. Cambridge. 100% Pure New Zealand. Accessed 21 May 2014.
  3. Scenic - Skies. New Zealand Post Stamps. Accessed 21 May 2014.

Published 2018-06-18